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Gender and Disability Inclusion

Gender Based Violence (GBV) is “violence targeted at an individual based on his or her sex, gender identity or expression of socially defined norms of masculinity and femininity. Both men and women and experienced GBV but it disproportionately affects women and girls and at higher rates.  Our organization has put in place mechanisms and policies to advocate and mainstream gender in all  interventions to protect women, men, boys and girls in all targeted communities.


Actions against GBV

Prevention: Violence against women and girls, is rooted in gender based discrimination and social norms that perpetuate such violence. The best way to prevent and put an end to GBV is to stop it from happening and that is by addressing its roots and causes.

Prevention starts at the early stage in life by educating and working with young boys and girls to build respectful relationships and gender equality.

Following the SDGs number 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3, EIS seeks to develop the communities by empowering women to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Awareness-raising and community mobilization, including through media social media, is another important component of an effective prevention.



  • Organize workshops and seminars where the men and boys can partake in, so that they understand and put an end to GBV.


  • Ensuring of health facilities based on safety concerns and needs of survivors and those at risk of GBV.
  • Distributing dignity kits and sanitary pads for female students and education personnel where appropriate.
  • Provide training and education for teachers, students, parents and the community on issues related to sexual reproductive health.


Leadership is the ability of an individual or a group of individuals to influence and guide followers or other members of an organization and EIS through it’s strong leadership quality embarks

According to the SDGs, goal number 5a, 5b and 5c, Empowerment for Inclusion and Sustainability (EIS) aims to empower women and girls by aligning them in the community development activities.

Our Strategies:

  • Ensure women, adolescent girls are actively involved in community-based child protection related associations. Engage in dialogue with males to ensure their support.
  • Provide women with formal and on-the-job training as well as targeted support to assume leadership and training positions.

Education of the Girl child

\"\"Considering, the huge economic and social benefits of education, EIS designs inclusive and equitable formal, informal and education interventions in communities with a greater attention on vulnerable children. Our interventions focus on building the capacities of learners to build self-confidence as well as increase their economic productivity. We support educational institutions and design education packages that are comprehensive and relevant for development.  Education of the girl child is one of the fundamental activity EIS encourages because we believe that when you educate a girl child, you educate the nation. Education plays a fundamental role in reducing gender based violence  and other social ills. In this light EIS is dedicated to transforming and improving girls access to education through partnership with key stakeholders involved in the education of young people especially women and girls.